The purpose of this edit was to demonstrate that we could produce a video as a group, without supervision of a teacher, which involved us following a set of shot lists (that we had to interpret from the video) and recreate it to the best of our abilities. We also had to go out and buy props from shops that are used or are similar to those used in the original morning routine sequence. I then individually edited the clips, sequencing them, timing them with the music and trimming out the unnecessary and unneeded handles. I believe that the final product was great and served it's purpose well to show that we can work as part of a team and under our own initiative. Apart from a few missing shots (1 or 2, I believe) which I replaced in post production with the shots from the original, the project went great. The shots were composed well, I believe my editing was similar to the original and that the project was a true demonstration of our current ability, despite being filmed with a camera phone
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