Saturday, 4 October 2014

Thriller film location recce

In preparation for my Thriller opening filming towards the Christmas period, I needed to scout locations for me to actually shoot at. I decided upon somewhere industrial-looking that had nearby (potentially secluded - in case of gun prop use) areas that we could utilise within the opening

I began my search on Google maps. As most thrillers are filmed in cities, London is my closest city that I could be able to film at, and began searching around that area for a place that fell under the criteria I had set

This is the place that I found, located right in the center of London, it looked like the perfect place

Upon arrival of the site, I found that it had been even better than I had anticipated. I found a spot that I could film my Recce (below) at which I could show off the construction site and car park in the background

Below is the recce I filmed at this site:

Here is a map showing the surrounding area, edited from Google maps by myself:

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