Thursday 26 March 2015

Ed Sheeran vs Taylor Swift (9th March)

What's the point of contrast between Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift? What's so important about these artists?

Tay swift removed all music of hers off spotify and Ed Sheeran kept all of his on there. This is because Tay wants more money for her music (paying full price) rather than allow them to pay a Lower price for a subscription service where she gets little royalties. They both rose in the charts after their awards, meaning they gain more publicity, fans and income.
Streaming gives little to the artists for their music, meaning they get little incentive to carry on. The popularity of streaming services is mainly due to their affordability and the fact that you can pay little each month and get  multiple full albums for this price, which would usually equate to <£10 each. Ed Sheerans popularity was aided by the fact that he could be streamed as streaming is a trend (new technology)

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